explain how teeth keep your jawbone healthy, and what to do if you have missing teeth.

How Your Teeth Connect To Jaw Joint Health

Did you know that a misaligned bite can be detrimental to your jaw? We use our temporomanidublar joint to chew, open our mouths, and speak. Therefore, it only makes sense that when your is amiss, your jaw muscle health can be affected. TMJ disorder is a condition related to issues with your temporomandibular joint. One of the main causes of TMJ disorder is malocclusion, or misaligned bite. This is because the jaw muscles constantly struggle to hold misaligned teeth in the correct position. The symptoms of a malocclusion can be harmful not only to your teeth, but also to your overall health.

How Missing Teeth Contribute to Alveolar Atrophy

Alveolar atrophy is one of the hidden detrimental effects of . This phenomena involves jawbone shrinkage due to a lack of stimulation from tooth roots. When a tooth is missing, that section of your jawbone seems to be no longer needed; therefore, your body will stop sending nutrients to that part of the jaw. The result is a weaker jawbone, deteriorated from lack of use.

Combating Tooth Loss and TMJ Disorder

Find out more, next week about how you can prevent alveolar atrophy, and TMJ disorder with comprehensive dental treatments from our Moreno Valley dentistsVisit one of our dentists at  or dental cleaning.  Call 951-697-6800 today to schedule your appointment.