When you stay on schedule with your dental checkups, you should be visiting the office every six months. If you are overdue for a dental cleaning, you may need more frequent appointments for a while to get back on track. Dental cleanings are of the utmost importance if you want to keep your teeth and gums healthy. The Temecula, CA dentists at the Oasis Family Dental understand that making dental care a priority is challenging when life is busy, but we can’t stress enough how important preventive dental care is for our patients.    

Dental Hygienists: The Ultimate Multi-Taskers

See if you can guess what job title fits this description: Prepares the examination room, takes and reads x-rays, keeps track of dental/medical history, safely cleans plaque/tartar buildup from your teeth, polishes your smile, implements fluoride treatments and sealants, and educates patients on at-home oral hygiene practices. Did you guess “dental hygienist?” If so, you are correct. Your hygienist will spend the most time with you at your biannual dental checkups and is likely to offer a calm and caring personality that will put you at ease.

Deep Cleaning Treatments

Dental checkups will often have you bounding out of the office with smooth, tartar-free teeth and a clean bill of dental health. You may have appointments where you find out that you have cavities, periodontal disease, or other issues with your dental health, however. Don’t allow fear of an unpleasant diagnosis to stop you from keeping up with your dental appointments. The sooner any dental issue is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. Many dental problems are infections, and bacteria will spread if you leave these issues alone. A deep cleaning is sometimes necessary if extreme tartar buildup has caused gum disease in your mouth. Root planing is a procedure which involves antibiotic fibers inserted into the periodontal pockets. These pouches between your gums and jawbone are often the hallmark of periodontitis (severe gums disease). Scaling is another gum disease treatment that aims to remove tartar and plaque that have collected below the gumline.

Dental Checkups from your Temecula Dentists

If anyone in your family is in need of a checkup or cleaning, contact our 92591 dental office by calling (951) 695-2290 to schedule an appointment today. We welcome patients from Temecula and all surrounding communities.