Category: Bruxism

A Solution For Bruxism

When you have a problem with nightly teeth grinding, or bruxism, you should look into what your dentist can do to solve it. If you let the matter go without treatment, you can experience worsening discomfort in your face and jaw, and you can experience trouble with dental wear and tear that will negatively impact… Read more »

Help For Nightly Teeth Grinding

Do you really need to say something to your dentist about your teeth grinding issues? During the day, you can pay attention to the feeling of tension as it causes you to grind or clench your jaw and consciously relax. Unfortunately, many people who have issues with bruxism, or persistent teeth grinding, can unconsciously do… Read more »

Resolving Teeth Grinding Issues

If you let a problem with nightly teeth grinding go unaddressed, you can find yourself with more oral health concerns over time as friction from this action wears down your enamel. An issue with bruxism can lead to serious dental damage, leaving you with chipped and cracked teeth that need to be restored by your… Read more »

Properly Responding To Issues With Bruxism

When you grind your teeth during the night, you can put your smile through a worrying degree of wear and tear. If the problem is not resolved in time, you can actually experience issues with dental damage that will require restorative dental work! At our Temecula, CA dentist’s office, we can provide protection for your… Read more »

Treating Dental Damage Linked To Past Bruxism Issues

When a person begins to grind and clench their teeth during their rest, they can start to have issues with pain and sensitivity each morning. This can be just the start of their concerns, as over time that wear and tear can lead to noticeable damage that affects their appearance as well as their oral… Read more »

Do You Need Protection Against Bruxism?

As time passes, a person who struggles with nightly teeth grinding issue can do serious harm to their smile. Bruxism is not an issue to take lightly. You can end up with teeth that look worn, or even take on chips and cracks that have to be addressed through restorative dental services. Our Corona, CA… Read more »

Affected By Bruxism? A Custom Guard Can Help

If your mornings start with jaw pain and dental sensitivity, it could be due to an unresolved issue with bruxism. Bruxism refers to a tendency to grind and clench your teeth, something many people do while they are asleep. Over time, this can do more than just make you uncomfortable. The force you apply can… Read more »

Protecting Your Smile From Nightly Teeth Grinding Issues

There are several actions you can – and should – take if you want to preserve your smile through the years. In addition to protecting yourself against dental decay, you should be concerned about enamel erosion. While our teeth are capable of maintaining their condition for years when biting and chewing food, their condition can… Read more »

How Stress And Teeth Grinding Affect Your Smile

Stress can be hard to avoid, but when it continues to affect you for a prolonged period, it can start to take a real toll on your oral health. One reason for this is that you may respond to heightened stress by grinding or clenching your teeth. Bruxism, a persistent teeth grinding habit that often… Read more »

How Can I Tell If I Grind My Teeth While I Sleep?

If you spend your nights grinding and clenching your teeth, you can wake up to an upsetting amount of tooth pain and sensitivity. This can be an understandable concern, one that you should not disregard. If you keep putting off treatment for this problem, it can lead to permanent dental damage as well as issues… Read more »