at Riverside Dental Group will tell you more about conventional mouthwashes and how oil pulling works.

Corner Store Mouthwash

Bad breath is usually a plight caused by overgrown bacteria. Mouthwashes are classified in two categories:

  • Bacteria killers
  • Odor maskers

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends a basic dental hygiene plan of brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an anti-bacterial mouthwashs. Mouthwashes with the right properties, and with the ADA seal of approval, can potentially reduce dental plaque and bacteria. Your breath will be fresher, and you have a better chance of preventing gum disease and tooth decay. Your Riverside dentists will be happy to make further recommendations for mouthwash products when you come in for your next six month checkup.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is the act of swishing a tablespoon of organic cold-pressed oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. The most highly recommended oil is sesame, but olive, coconut, and canola can also work. As you move the oil around your mouth, you will feel the viscosity thicken and the color will turn white. The theory is that the oil has now pulled out many harmful bacteria in your mouth. When the oil reaches this point, you should spit it out to avoid reabsorption of the bacteria into your mouth. Does this really benefit your dental health? Many people swear by it. It’s just important to remember that this is only a supplemental practice, and should not replace your regular oral hygiene and six month checkups.

Dental Checkups from Riverside Dentists

If you are due for a dental checkup, visiting your Riverside dentists every six months will help keep your mouth healthy and balanced. Call our 92504 dentist office at (951) 689-5031 for all of your dental care needs.